Winner of One Agency Award: Neil & Helena Mani

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Nov 23, 2017
< 1 minute read

Congratulations to One Agency Neil and Helena Mani for coming in as  finalists in best website and for winning the best Agent marketing at the One Agency Awards!

Experienced and professional Real Estate Agents, Neil and Helena Mani are part of a boutique Agency based in the East, Gosford, North Gosford, Gosford and Springfield areas. With over 24 years experience they are elite performers within the top 3% of international sales force. 


Neil and Helena are two of our Agentpoint clients and we developed their digital presence, creating a user friendly website 

Their site features large scale high quality real estate images, a sleek and intuitive UX design and clean, simple and sleek navigational tabs and most importantly, it reflects their brand. As well, we integrated social media tabs allowing visitors to get more of a immersive experience with the agency, understand who they are working for and get a feel for the agency.

We wish you all the best Neil and Helena and look forward to seeing your business grow further in the years to come!