When purchasing a real estate agent or agency website there is more to consider then the aesthetics that determine the look and feel of the site.
Here are the top 4 pitfalls we encounter when clients come to us from a previous site:
Their website can’t sync with all the CRM’s in the industry.
We speak to people all the time who had a website built by another company and they want to upgrade their CRM but they can’t because their site was built to talk exclusively to their CRM. From here, their only option is pay a fee to leave their service provider and then set up a whole new site. It might be a common practice in the industry, but we think it sucks and you should be free to take your business anywhere.
They don’t actually own their website.
A good is website in built from an open-source technology and you, the client, own the website code and not your web developer. This means you decide which future web developer performs updates on your website and hosts and performs maintenance.
Their website doesn’t use a good CMS.
Your website should include, or synchronize with, a full content management system (CMS) that allows you to control every piece of content on the website with no limit on adding pages, posts and news items. We build websites in WordPress, the worlds #1 CMS. It is easy to update content, has thousands of plugins, and is search engine friendly.
Their website isn’t designed with Responsive Web Design (RWD).
In this day, your website MUST be mobile responsive, adjusting its layout to be optimised across mobile devices, and all different screen sizes. With the majority of website traffic coming through mobile devices, having a website that isn’t responsive is the equivalent of blocking half your potential customers from coming into your business.