We have launched a new service called RemotePropsecting. It allows real estate agents to access high quality Australian telephone and admin workers at low rates. They can do outbound calls such as for sales and appointment setting, take inbound calls for reception or customer service purposes, and they can do admin work using your own online systems.
The service is flexible because you are not committed to hiring employees or to providing 40 hours of work per week, and the workers can do a wide range of tasks. The workers can also work from their own premises using our web based telephone system and CRM so that you do not have to spend time and money setting them up. These tools track calls made/received, time worked, and call outcomes so you know exactly what your workers are doing and can see the value they are providing.
Being Australians they do not have the cultural clash and lags of offshore call centres. Unlike a call centre, the workers become an extension of your team so you control how they present your brand and service proposition.
The service provides a marketplace of workers that is curated, meaning we have done the initial screening to make sure all the participants are good candidates. You can choose from a range of young and mature Australians who live in both suburban and regional areas, have great skills, and are highly motivated to work in your business.
The hourly price for the worker is agreed between the worker and the employer, although we expect a rate of around $15 per hour to be common. For outbound appointment setting and prospecting for real estate agents you should also exepct to pay between $35 to $50 per completed appointment.
For finding the worker and use of the tools RemoteProspecting charges a 25% markup on top of the remuneration you agree with the worker, plus our costs for the calls made.
Read more about it here or contact Agentpoint or RemoteProspecting for more information.