It’s my account so I own the content, right?

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Nov 9, 2017
2 minutes read

Its my account so I own the content, right? It is common for anyone to believe that if the social media account is theirs, they own the content.

However, many clients who hire companies to manage their accounts don’t know that sometimes this isn’t the case. You may have created your social media avenues but the content may not actually be yours!

Now, don’t go running for the hills to shut down your accounts. We will walk you through the basic elements to ensure that you understand what you have ownership to and that when you sign up for social media management with an Agency, you now what you get.


1.Speak to your Agency

There is no better way to clear confusion than speaking one on one with your Agency. They have provided you the product so they should be able to provide you with clear and transparent information to help you understand what you gain.


2.Always read you contractual terms

Contracts put the facts in black and white. If you are unsure about anything, the first step is to refer back to your contract. Do you have ownership to content once it has been posted to your accounts? What content is your Agency required to post for you? This is covered in your contract and lets you know what the Agency is required to do for you and at the end of the day, you gain all that you are entitled to.


3.Look at the origin of your content

If you post a link to a Sydney Morning Herald article its clear you do not own it. However, what about imagery? Logos? Always have a look at the content that is being generated, if it is original, using another parties imagery, logos, if it is a regram or repost of another user’s content etc. But again, this can sometimes be tricky to decipher. If unsure, your best bet is to contact your Agency to clear up any grey areas of uncertainty.

At Agentpoint we understand that this can often be confusing to clients so we provide support so you can better understand our products on offer and what you are entitled to. If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with us or call us on (02) 8005 2707