What does website support and maintenance include?

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Aug 8, 2017
2 minutes read

What does website support and maintenance include?

A website is like a house in that it requires support and maintenance. If it is neglected and not maintained then for a period of time it will remain there and tick along but eventually it will become run-down and things will start breaking or wearing out.

Welcome to Agentpoint Support

To maintain your website and keep it online a website requires the following minimum amount of maintenance:

  • Using the latest version of the content management system (CMS) so in our client’s case WordPress.
  • Make sure all 3rd party plugins added to the site are updated to the latest version.
  • Make sure all plugins custom built by Agentpoint are using the latest version.
  • Make sure any patches or security features that are released are updated to the site.

The above items really affect 3 core areas of your website:

  1. The security of the website and making sure nobody intrudes or hacks the website.
  2. The speed of the website and making sure it is at an acceptable level for people who are navigating through the website
  3. Maintain usability without bugs or broken code.

All of these items above are performed by the Agentpoint support team each month in the background without our client’s knowing. Any client where Agentpoint host their website and they have a support and maintenance package will automatically have the above maintenance complete on their website.

Outside of the automatic items Agentpoint performs in the back of your website we are also available to complete the following:

  • Answer any questions you might have around your solution.
  • Fix any bugs or problems you report around your solution.
  • Provide free advice around evolving your digital solution.
  • Add content you provide us to your website so long as it doesn’t involve a developer or designer.