Bring the romance back to Real Estate with disruption

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Sep 21, 2017
2 minutes read

What is disruption and how can it benefit the Real Estate industry?

We discuss disruption and putting the heart in a business. With evolving technology things are getting faster and demand for services and facilities that are faster and more convenient is growing like wild-fire, this is where disruption comes in.

Companies such as Air BnB and Uber are major global examples of disruptors who have differentiated themselves among the crowd. By providing services that are faster, digitally connected and fit into people’s lifestyles, they have stood out and become a major success.

Image result for corporate social responsibility


But disruption doesn’t come without heart, or in business terms, Corporate Social Responsibility. Successful companies offer an emotional connection and this is a strong factor that has come to influence their success and company’s lifespan. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as discussed by Todd Green and John Peloza in the Journal of Consumer Marketing, offers the opportunity to enhance the overall value proposition for consumers and encourages long term relationships with consumers and it is these long term relationships that are essential to a company’s lifetime and success.

How does this fit in with Real Estate? CSR provides three forms of value for consumers: emotional, social and functional. Each of these strengthens or weakens the overall value proposition for your consumers.

Finding the best activities to strengthen your value proposition to consumers can evolve your business exponentially.

For example, some Real Estate Agents offer the service of individual call backs to clients who send through inquiries. Not everyone does it and it makes a world of difference to those that do. This simple action develops that valuable connection with a consumer, makes them feel valued and in turn makes you stand out when they are looking for a Real Estate Agent.