When do I really own the website I purchase?

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Sep 26, 2017
< 1 minute read

Do I own the website I purchase?

Unlike a lot of the other web development providers in the real estate industry,

when you purchase a website through Agentpoint, whether it be a Custom or Hybrid real estate agency site,

YOU actually own it.

With most of our competitors the upfront fee you pay them is a configuration fee for the website they provide you. They then lock you into monthly ongoing leasing fees for the website which means when you stop paying these monthly fees they threaten (and will eventually) switch your website offline. Once your website is offline you loose the centerpiece of your digital presence which will significantly affect your lead generation and conversion.

When purchasing a website through Agentpoint you are making an investment in a tangible asset which you own. After the initial 3 months you have the freedom to stop paying our monthly ongoing hosting and support fees and take your website (so long as your account is up-to-date) to another hosting provider. Learn more about the benefits of a website with Agentpoint.