We have had another amazing year and have had several products stand out as clear customer favourites but we have selected 3 of our brightest as our best for 2017!
Discover some of our most in demand products and why so many of our clients have signed up for these.
A website is the most essential tool in advertising your business and your product to potential clients. Our Responsive Websites have stood out as one of the Top 3 products this year because of course, people need websites! But what is even better about our website service is that it is responsive. What does this mean? When you open your site on a phone, tablet or other digital device do the images, texts and buttons scale as they should? Or are they all different on each device, some scaled oddly or it has not adjusted at all?
Our lives are highly digital and the influence of technology is only continuing to grow. Therefore it is essential that your business grow and adapt to stand at the forefront of your industry. One of the most essential steps is ensuring that your website is up to date, is visible online and most importantly, appears on the devices that your clients are using. There’s no point in having a website if no one can see it!
ProposalPoint Digital Listing Presentations
Digital Listing Presentations have been one of our most popular products amongst Real Estate Agents. It greatly simplifies the process of sending information and emails to clients looking to list their properties. Rather than sending several PDF documents and individual emails with no analytics, ProposalPoint allows for you to create a unique digital brochure using our tools and templates. Its easy and quick and you can insert your own themes, logo, buttons imagery and more. After it is made the Agent can then send a unique link to their clients to view the brochure (you can also turn it into a website as well!) and you can track who has opened, clicked on links and signed up through your brochure! Advertising to a client is much easier, efficient and in one digital brochure, it looks professional.
ProposalPoint Digital Property Brochures
A newly released product, Digital Property Brochures, is the next step after digital listing presentations. Digital Listing Presentations go to your client to advertise you and your brand and through property Brochures you can then send to your selected audience, the clients advertised property. All in one single digital brochure.
How does it work? You import your clients property data through our cloud system, tailor information, design etc to your brand and the clients property. Finally you are left with a single digital brochure advertising your clients property. You can text or email a unique link to prospective clients interested in the property and again, you can track the progress!
To find out more about our products or discover the current offers we have available, give us a call on 02 9057 8040