Today Agentpoint launched a twitter wordpress plugin which allows an agency to automatically publish their property listings to their personal or agency twitter account. The tweet provides all the essential information to inform your twitter followers about the listing. eg.
House For Sale – Bondi Beach, 2 Bed, 3 Bath, 1 Car view at
This can be installed on any WordPress real estate website and all happens automatically meaning once you list a property through your property listing software the plugin notifies twitter.
We are committed to making sure our wordpress real estate websites provide a complete online marketing solution for all real estate agents. The best thing about all of our social networking solutions is that once an account is set up the only effort required by an agent is to create a property listing or write a post in their blog, leaving more time for the agent to sell/lease real estate.
Please contact me further to discuss how Agentpoint can devise an effective online solution for your agency.