Although Agentlog already has a holiday/short term accommodation listing system we decided it was time to enhance this section and turn it into a full online booking system.
Property managers can now enter what dates a property is available to rent, for what price and the minimum nights stay required. Dates are broken down into four seasons including:
- Normal Season
- Mid Season
- High Season
- Peak Season
Property managers can then mark dates which are booked so they will be shown as unavailable on their website.
This is great for our clients who handle a lot of holiday accommodation as it means this data is available to be drawn from the database and displayed on their website.
It also means our clients do not need to pay to use expensive and complicated 3rd party short term and holiday accommodation booking systems. With a little manipulation any agent’s, property manager’s or holiday accommodation specialist’s website can be modified to handle and accept payments for holiday accommodation online.
If your agency has holiday or short term accommodation and would like an easy to use automated online booking system then contact Agentpoint today!