< 1 minute read
Well WordPress 3.0 has been with us now for around 2 months and let me say…..“it’s making our life a whole lot easier”. Why? Because is now means we can have all of our real estate websites powered by one set of plugins installed on one ftp account and one common database. Once it is setup it is saving us hours a week in maintenance time and even new website installations are now a lot more streamlined.
Some Q&A’s in relation to our experiences with WP3.0
- Have we found any bugs with WP3.0? None at all.
- Did we need to modify our real estate plugins for the Multi User section of WP3.0? 90% of the plugins worked with a few plugins we needed to account for the combined database of all sites. Overall, there was only a few days development needed for the adjustments.
- Can each site have their own url? As long as you install WP with the sub-domain for new blogs you can then mask the blog url with any url the client would like to use.
- Are there any SEO disadvantages with domain masking? None at all, as longs as you make sure your sitemaps plugin is a WPMU plugin.
- Is WP3.0 one of the best wp releases? Absolutely, this enables a whole lot more innovation and if you follow this blog you will see some unbelievable innovation appearing in the coming months.