Do you have a personal ” Digital Footprint”?

By • Posted on Dec 13, 2016
< 1 minute read

As a real estate agent your most important asset is your own personal brand. You may work for an existing real estate office or network group under their brand but it is your “personal brand” which vendors relate to and in which you should be growing.

The core aspect of your personal brand is your “digital footprint”. This is how your brand is portrayed online and what a user’s perception of you is if they type your name into Google. When your name is entered into Google you want to own the first page of natural results that appear in Google. There are number of ways you can achieve this that include your own personal branding website, personal branding pages on social networks (facebook, instagram, LinkedIn) and making sure you’re relevant on agent rating websites.

A key advantage through managing your own “digital footprint” through the above options is that your brand will remain on the web forever regardless of the agency or network group you work for now or into the future. This is important because when you change agencies you work for (and you will do this) your personal brand won’t be affected meaning your past and current customers will continue to use you for selling their properties and referrals for other vendors.

Find out more about personal agent websites or around creating social media branding pages.