New Filter Search for Property Listings

By Ryan O'Grady • Posted on Jan 29, 2009
< 1 minute read

Previously, Agentpoint had a property cloud filter search which enabled users to search for properties on our client’s websites. This was limited because it only allowed for one layer of filter. This search tool has now been enhanced to allow for unlimited layers of search meaning users can narrow their search down to specific criteria.

Criteria used in the filter includes:

  • Property Type
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Suburb

The new filter can be viewed at the following link

Here are some Instructions on How it Works
When you are on the property search results page all features are active and all listings are shown. You can then narrow your search down by clicking on the features which relate to property you are looking for.

For example if you are looking for a house with a minimum of 3 bedrooms you would click on house in property type, this will remove all property types which are not houses from the property results. If you then select 3 Beds all houses which are not 3 bedrooms will be removed. This will also remove all houses which are greater than 3 bedrooms so make sure you click on 4, 5, 6 etc bedrooms as well, so these properties appear again.

If you have clicked on a feature you don’t want included then click on it again and it will be removed. Alternatively, if you would like to refresh all of the features then just click on the “All” option for those features.