Property Social Campaigns


What is a social advertising campaign?

We automatically create paid ads highlighting your property that appear in facebook, Twitter, Instagram. These are the Sponsored advertisements you see when you look at your Facebook feed.

What’s Included

  • Include ads on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Ads are served to a targeted audience (demographics, behaviour, location, property requirements)
  • Options for length of campaign and audience size
  • Campaign is automatically created from your website
  • Traffic from the campaign is directed back to your website
  • Weekly stats around audience campaign engagement
  • Complimentary free agent branding ad (increase the exposure of your brand across social networks)

What are the Benefits

  • Increase Advertising Reach: Access active and passive buyers & sellers while they browse social media.
  • Popular Channels: Advertise where audiences spend the majority of online time Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
  • Automate Ad Campaigns: Once configured, simply click on an email notification for each new listing which triggers your campaign.
  • Brand Promotion: Ads include Agency branding and a free Sales Agent profile ad targeted at property vendors.
  • Boost facebook Likes: Ads include the option for audience to Like your facebook page
  • Drive Website Traffic: All traffic from ad campaigns link directly back to the listing on your website.
  • Vendor Reporting: Campaign engagement is reported via email that can be forwarded to vendors.


Find out more about Property Social Campaigns