Branding Campaigns


What’s Included

  • Ads on either Facebook or the Google AdWords Network
  • Ads are served to a targeted audience (demographics, behaviour, location, property requirements, retargeted)
  • Campaigns run for a 2 week period
  • Campaign is automatically created from the stock in your CRM
  • Traffic from the campaign is directed back to your website or individual listings
  • Campaign stats around audience engagement and links

What are the Benefits

  • Your brand can own the web: Chase customers around the web so your brand constantly appears regardless which sites they are browsing
  • Increase Advertising Reach: Access active and passive buyers & sellers while they browse social media and other networks
  • Popular Channels: Advertise where audiences spend the majority of online time Facebook, Instagram & Google.
  • Automate Ad Campaigns: Once configured, properties will automatically feed through to ads from your CRM system
  • Retargeting: Advertise to an audience who has previously engaged with your brand on your website, your database or within social networks.
  • Boost facebook Likes: Ads include the option for audience to Like your facebook page
  • Drive Website Traffic: All traffic from ad campaigns link directly back to the listing on your website.
  • Campaign Reporting: Receive a campaign engagement report at the end of each campaign outlining audience, leads and actions around your page

Find out more about Branding Campaigns