Facebook Media Strategy
At Agentpoint we’re taking an agency’s Facebook Media Strategy to a new level. We not only make sure our clients have an awesome user interface for their Facebook audience but we’ve also developed solutions that automatically provides useful and engaging content to your Facebook timeline. Our recommendations below will help grow your audience and allow you to engage your brand with them more effectively.
1. Automatically Post News from Your Website
We can set your Facebook page up so content added in the news section of your website automatically appears on your Facebook wall with a link back to your website.
2. Automatically Post Real Estate Related Content from 3rd Party Sites
We realise it can be time consuming to publish news items on your website. An alternative solution is to set up a feed of information from third party websites. The secret is about locating content which will be relevant to your audience. We have recognised the below sources of relevant content that can be enabled to add content on a daily basis to your Facebook wall.
- Propertyobserver.com.au
- Marketnews.com.au
- Propertyupdate.com.au
- News.com.au/money/property
- Theaustralian.com.au
You can have one or as many of these sites posting content. If there are other sites you’d like then just let us know.
3. Automatically Post SOME of Your Property Listings to Your Wall
We do not recommend you flood your Facebook wall with your properties. However, we do believe listing a few properties on your Wall is beneficial such as hand picked latest listings or a couple of your sold listings. We don’t want you to manually have to post listings to your wall so we have devised some technology which enables properties to automatically post to your Wall if they meet a certain criteria. This could be sold properties over the value of $1 million or current listings that are an apartment under $500,000.
4. Automatically Post Videos to Your Wall
You can have videos automatically appear on your Facebook Wall which will provide engagement for your users. Below are a list of video providers we are able to automatically have their videos appear on your Wall. If you provide a link to another provider then we can investigate whether its possible to automate their videos to appear:
- Youtube.com/user/RPDataVideos
- Youtube.com/user/THEADVISERCHANNEL
- Youtube.com/user/SPICHANNEL
- Youtube.com/user/RealEstateNewsShow
5. Agentpoint Facebook Applications
With Facebook’s recent launch of the Timeline layout for Facebook pages, we’ve redesigned the Agentpoint Facebook applications to suit the new timeline. The apps have now been combined into three apps which blend in to the Facebook timeline perfectly.
You can see an example of new Facebook apps here http://www.facebook.com/MYBHR just click on the Welcome, Properties or Our Team tabs. You can view more about our facebook applications here.